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Happy birthday Google: a quarter century of innovation and technology

September 27th is a very special date in the world of technology: Google’s 25th birthday. After its founding by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, Google has gone to become a titan on global-scale. Not only in the world of internet search engines, but also when it comes to technology and innovation. Throughout the years the company has changed and transformed according to consumers’ needs. What started as a simple but efficient search engine, has envolved into an entire complex and diverse ecosystem. A world slit into products and services that virtually touch every aspect of our life online. It has almost achieved a monopoly on search engines.

As a matter of fact Kinsta has calculated that the average Google user base is between 86-96% making online research not only easier but more accessible to everyone. Google is also one of the most visited websites with over 158 million visitors each month only in Italy. Google also is credited with the creation of PageRanks and the rating and relevance associated with websites. its different mechanisms also made way for the creation of different optimisation methods like SEO and SEM.

Furthermore, Google has innovated also in the world of travel and transportation: GoogleMaps makes getting to a destination ever so simple. Making it possible to not only check out what route to take but also to find that hard to reach location we’ve always wanted to visit. Among its great revolutions we must also recall android, the operating system that has become present in most mobile phones, and Gmail.

Google is always one step ahead

Google was able to think ahead when it bought YouTube in 2006: it is now one of the most used video streaming platforms in the world, with content suitable for all ages from children to the elderly. Another big innovation was investing in artificial intelligence with DeepMind voice recognition and Google assistant: technology which we use on a daily basis. The innovations don’t end here: lest we forget the way Google Translate makes interacting with different languages accessible to anyone.

To celebrate its 25th Google decided to self-assign a doodle that recounts all the locations important for its creating forming a “2” and a “5” out of the “o”s. If Google had never been invented, What would have become of online search engines? What changes would there be to our daily lives?

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