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Marketing strategico Scoprinetwork

“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.”

We perfect communication strategies by using data

Creativity and techniques have a purpose: to get results. This is why we constantly track campaign data, we go over it with you and steadily perfect our communication strategy to make it even more effective.

Targeted analytical strategies

Data Analysis

Gather data and use it to maximize results and cut costs.
How to use data

SWOT analysis

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and perfect your request
How to perform targeted analysis

Lifecycle marketing

Follow up with your clients after their purchase and offer them quality content in order to foster customer loyalty.
How to foster customer loyalty


Analyzing the data and observing one’s communication performance is the backbone of a great marketing strategy. Just because it seems like a job well done, doesn’t mean it’s the right way to reach your target audience. Since human beings often tend to have a biased perception, it can be hard to objectively judge what was produced. This is why there’s a need for an objective criteria, to determine whether or not the strategy is successful.

But beware: it shouldn’t be seen as a failure! All the best marketing strategies have gone through a test phase before becoming “best practices” in the sector. So don’t give up!

Not necessarily, but it’s always best to ask oneself: what does the market want, what does it prefer? If your target changes, you don’t have to change what you have to offer: you can simply change your target! However before making this decision it’s important to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market, of the buyer’s personas and of your product’s loyal consumers. And who knows, you could also discover new areas to venture into.

Follow the market with a tailor-made communication strategy. Call us and find out how to do so!

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