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Crisis Management

Crisis Management: how to handle communication crises and protect brand reputation

In today’s modern communication landscape, crisis management has become a crucial element for any company or public figure. A recent example that highlights the importance of effective crisis management is the case faced by the Ordine delle Professioni Infermieristiche (Order of Nursing Professionals) of Turin, which was mistakenly involved in a news event. This was…

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giornalismo true crime

Journalism as information and entertainment: challenges in the Era of True Crime and politainment

In the age of fast politics, the line between journalism and entertainment—such as in the case of True Crime—has become blurred. The media, inundated with content, must adopt increasingly captivating strategies to hold the attention of a distracted and fragmented audience. Two phenomena emerge in this context: politainment and infotainment. Politainment combines politics and entertainment,…

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