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The metaverse: launching a brand out of this world

For an innovative brand, an “out of this world” launch is needed. We wanted to break traditional communication rules then it came to launching Orama’s new brand. On October 20th Argus, Hyfire and Ramtech presented Orama, a new brand that blends each company’s strengths united for a common mission and company values. The goal being to position themselves in the market as the best at wireless solutions in order to safeguard people and their enviroment. Such an innovative brand deserved to have a launch to match. This is why we proposed to have a press conference in the Metaverse.

But what is the Metaverse and how does it work?

The metaverse is a real-virtual space which allows users to visit different platforms, each as their distinct world, from wherever on Earth.

All you need is an internet connection or Virtual reality headset in order to have this immersive experience and movement requires just a bit of practice. For Orama we chose Spatial, which had already been used by other companies, however in different ways.

Spatial is one of the most used platforms globally. Wired, for example, chose to create NFTs of their 102 covers and showcased them in an open-air museum (or should we say open-metaverse museum). This, however, is quite different from choosing to have a press conference on the platform to launch a new brand. The need to connect multiple people simultaneously was the most important hurdle to overcome. The different avatars came from all around the world: from Italy and the UK all the way to Turkey and parts of Europe.

Communicating with the metaverse

Introducing a brand in the metaverse is not easy but it’s definitely impactful. It’s a big challenge, since the Metaverse is a whole new world to explore, it can carry risks and doubts.

You must first create an account, teach users how to use the controllers and headsets, and explain to them that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Training is fundamental.

At the end of the day, however, it’s important that the users are able to fully experience the event. As in any event, there are always more practical, technologically savvy users than others: in spite of this, it’s always the most inexperienced people who dare the most.

It is, however, an experience that to this day few have had. Having a virtual-reality headset at home is still uncommon. Perhaps one day it won’t be, just like televisions. Headsets could have a fundamental role within our homes: to have meetings, meet friends, learn and have fun. Anything is possible in the metaverse and, as the saying goes, “only the brave” can face new challenges, literally out of this world.

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